Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by AnnieS (2021)


I loved this assignment because I love music! I am always obsessed with a certain song at any given time. If you ask me what my favorite song is in January, it is going to be different then what it would be in March. When I started this assignment I was obsessed with the song Animal by Neon Trees, this is a song I heard a lot when I was younger and when I was doing this assignment I was feeling very nostalgic. When I started writing the lyrics for the Parody it was about 10 at night and I had only just started my work and I still had a lot to do that night, so of course I made it about hating Junior Year and all the tests and assignments that were piling up on me. I am very proud of this assignment, I thought the lyrics I created flowed very well with the song and I think the lyrics are an accurate representation of my thoughts about this year of school. Learning how to record and use ProTools to create this was a great experience. Parodies are very fun and now I can create them whenever I want!

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